What do we do with Australia Day?


Image Credit: Common Grace

A few days back, Jan.26th marked yet another ‘Australia Day’.  According to the ‘National Australia Day Council’, it’s “the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. It’s the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future.” But it’s increasingly becoming evident that it’s a divisive day for many people.

To help us unpack this issue, Lucy and Kel from ’89.9 the Light’ spoke with Brooke Prentis, an Aboriginal Christian Leader from the Wakka Wakka peoples, and CEO of Common Grace – an online Australian Christian movement for justice, about where we go to from here.

I found it very helpful and want to pass this on to you. Listen to this 6-minute audio interview over the radio: https://soundcloud.com/899lightfm/final-brooke-prentis-interview#t=0:00

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