Food For Your Heart

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Relationship Workshops for couples

It’s easy to neglect our most significant relationship in the busyness of life and slowly drift apart as a couple. Suddenly you realise that you’re just living together and taking care of stuff, and losing the connection, romance and enjoyment of your relationship.

Week of Prayer Walking – Oct.’22

This year the churches of Whitehorse Council are joining together again to pray for our city of Melbourne, as we walk our streets. Please join in this week of prayer walking (Oct. 4th-11th), starting with a commissioning event at St. Ben’s next Tuesday, Oct.4th @ 7.30 pm.

Light Up Whitehorse In Prayer

Many churches in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ between the feasts of Ascension & Pentecost. If your church meets in the Whitehorse Council Area, please join us for prayer across 4 evenings, at 4 different church locations, starting at 7.30 pm each evening, from May 30th – Jun.2nd.


An Anointed Leader to Bring Us All Together

Today begins the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It’s a whole week dedicated to praying Jesus’ prayer at the Last Supper: “That they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you” (John 17:21). What better way to begin this week than with a reading about a king anointed to unify God’s people?


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022

The week of Jan.18th-25th every year has been designated by many Christian churches as the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’, when we pray along with Jesus in John 17, that we will be one, as the Father & He are one.  The work of building unity between Catholics and other Christians can be a


Becoming honest in prayer

Very often when we talk of prayer, we think of polite conversation with God – saying the right words, the right formulas, in a certain tone of voice and so on. But prayer in the Bible is anything, but that. Just read the Book of Psalms for example, which is full of raw emotion expressed to God as prayer. This is because an important aspect of engaging with God from the heart in prayer, is learning to be honest with what’s coming up in our hearts. In today’s Bible reading, we find another example of honesty in prayer and hear how it’s also the place where we can find intimacy with God.

Encountering Jesus through Desire Prayers

In this session, you will learn the principles behind forming ‘Desire Prayers’ and how to create your own. This will help you know how to bring your own desires to Jesus and encounter Him filling them; as well as begin to help others do the same.

Encountering Jesus in my Dreams About the Future

In this session, you will learn to find the longing of your heart under positive emotions, by working with your dreams about the future. And how you can then take that desire to Jesus and experience Him filling it.

Questions for Jesus e-Course Sept.’21

Do you desire to grow in intimacy with Jesus and confidence in hearing his voice? This interactive, practical online course will deepen your heart-to-heart connection with Jesus and your understanding of the desires of your heart by teaching you how to pray from your desires.