Food For Your Heart

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Celebrating Christmas in the midst of war, suffering and grief

Have you ever heard the original lyrics of the song “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”? Have you listened to the lyrics carefully? It’s not exactly the blissful naiveté of “Deck the Halls”. It’s much more real and raw than that. Many of us are familiar with the children’s version of the Christmas story,


God’s compassion for you is central to the gift of Christmas

If God wanted to simply tell us a message of give us an example, he could have sent someone else.  The one thing he could do by coming to us, is to be with us in our suffering. In other words, he has compassion on you; he wants to be with you in what we’re

Christmas at the Space

This month, we’re running an interactive Christmas exhibition at the Space from Dec.5th-23rd. It acknowledges how Christmas is many things for many people and allows participants to explore the full gamut of emotions that Christmas brings up, as well as how the festive season is celebrated around the world and in individual households.


Christmas is for everyone

If one were to go by the commercial advertisements, Christmas is only for those who can afford it or whose lives are ‘together’ and filled with success and happiness. It’s for those who can afford to buy good food & drinks, decorate their homes fancifully, buy expensive gifts for one another and throw extravagant parties.


What makes a family holy?

Christmas is a time when we especially celebrate family.  At the same time, as we all know, family life is full of both joys and sorrows. And times like family gatherings around Christmas can confront us with both these aspects of family life. The sometimes-difficult circumstances in which we find ourselves, the personal journey of


Learning to ‘see’ with my heart

Two thousand years ago, something beautiful and earth-shattering happened. Jesus – God Himself – entered our world as a baby. Angels rejoiced that day. Shepherds exulted. Joseph was in awe. And Mary was filled with adoration. Yet, for all that, anyone passing by the place of his birth would have seen nothing more than a


A love to celebrate

Have you ever experienced a rush of emotion when you see or hold a newborn child? Infants are so tiny, helpless, and innocent. Our hearts can’t help but swell with love and compassion for them. That passionate, visceral emotion is the meaning of the word that Luke uses in the Bible, when he writes of


When you feel like a ‘DIY Fail’

Do you ever feel like a “DIY Fail”? A DIY (or Do-It-Yourself) Fail is a popular term that describes what happens when you work really hard on a project or a craft that you have seen on the internet or TV – but you just can’t make it work. The finished product often looks like