Growing In Love From The Heart
Who Are We?
As Kerygma Australia, we believe that loving from the heart matters, whether it has to do with:
- Relationship with God
- Relationships as couples & families
- Relationships within the church family
- Relationships for a better world
So, we seek to grow and empower others to grow in these spheres of relationships.
We invite you to join us on this journey of growing in love from the heart.
Kerygma Australia is a branch of ‘Kerygma’ and a part of the ‘YWAM’ global family of ministries. In Australia, ‘YWAM Canberra’ is our home community.
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Food For Your Heart
Renewal in our journey to the destination of love
This year, we have a rare occurrence, where Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday coincide. Some see these two occasions as competing and conflicting with one another. How can celebrating Valentine’s Day – which is often associated with special gifts and food – go together with Ash Wednesday – which is a day of fasting and abstinence? I would like to propose that this is actually a God-sent opportunity to give us a deeper insight about – and perhaps a bit of correction to – the beliefs we hold about each occasion. For both occasions call us to: Renewal in our journey to the destination of love.
Love Your Enemies?
Today, I want to summarise the heart /disposition behind Jesus’ call to non-violent resistance – love for our enemies! It isn’t for the faint-hearted, but a radical call for all those who would follow Jesus – with his grace – all the way.
Go An Extra Mile?
Today, we continue with the third example that Jesus gives, that confirm his call to non-violent resistance: “And if one of the occupation troops forces you to carry his pack one mile, carry it for two.”