Missions – A Core Calling of ‘Kerygma’


Recently, a Catholic couple who work with our organisation in a South Asian country, shared the following with me: “This year we went to my father-in-law’s home in the village. During the period of Christmas, we had a nice cultural program organized by the church. We had choral groups singing and also shared a meal together with the people from the village. There are lots of Muslims living around the village. Many of them came for the program and that day God gave me the privilege to share the message of Jesus with all of them. The people of the village gave me 25 minutes to share about Christmas, who Jesus is, why he came into the world and also about God’s plan. I shared my message in the language of the Muslim people. They were so happy. We are very grateful to God for loving us and working through our lives to bring his love to others.

One of Kerygma’s core callings is mobilizing Catholics and other Christians to bring the message of reconciliation with God through Jesus, to those who haven’t had that opportunity.

Kerygma strongly embraces what Pope John Paul II called the “New Evangelization”, which includes evangelizing baptized Catholics. In addition, we believe in the importance of reaching out to people who, for one reason or another, have never had the opportunity to hear about Jesus’ love for them and what he has done for them

Encouraging lay-Catholics to be involved in reaching out to those who have never heard the Gospel is relatively new in our era. All of our activities are meant to directly or indirectly lead to equipping those who have been reconciled with God through Jesus, to take that all peoples, as Jesus died and rose again for every single person on earth. We want every person on earth to have the opportunity to know that and experience the newness that Jesus brings to hearts that are open to him.

If you are interested in partnering with us in working with Catholics in Australia or other nations, please email us

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