‘Youth With A Mission’ has eighteen Foundational Values which express the unique family characteristics of YWAM—our “DNA”; You can read more about them here.
In addition to these, Kerygma has 4 other values:
1. Catholic World: ‘Kerygma’ has a particular call to serve in the the so-called ‘Catholic world’.
2. Reconciliation: ‘Kerygma’ has a passion for unity between Christians and between the churches. Furthering the cause of reconciliation is one of the reasons why we exist.
3. Catalyst: We are a ‘catalytic’ ministry. Many of our main projects and programs have the intended goal of equipping other groups to do the ministry themselves – with or without us.
4. Partnership: We have a high regard for working together with other Christian ministries, movements and groups. As a result, much of our training and outreach opportunities are collaborative efforts, or so-called ‘partnership programs’.