Interested in diving deeper into the Word of God?


If you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith as a Catholic or a Christian from another faith tradition, here’s two resources that you might want to consider:

‘The Bible in a Year’ podcast, is a great resource for Catholics who have never read through the whole Bible or are not in the habit of reading their Bibles. And if you from a church that grew out of the Reformation, it will introduce you to the books that you will find in Catholic Bibles, but not in your Bible. It will also help you begin to appreciate the Catholic interpretive tradition in engaging with the Bible.
Most episodes are about 20 mins each; which makes it do-able. The only episodes that are longer are two that introduce the series and a few that introduce each section of the timeline of the Bible.

You can watch the series on YouTube here or listen to it in your favourite podcast App:

‘The Catechism in a Year’ podcast, is another great resource to help you dive more deeply into the Catholic faith. It is a great way to work through the Catechism in bite-sized pieces and with some guidance. 

Most episodes are about 15-20 minutes long, except for four of them, which introduce each of the four ‘pillars’ of the Catechism.

As you work through the Catechism, you will discover the roots of Catholic belief and practice in Scripture and in the Apostolic Tradition flowing from the lives and teaching of the church fathers and Catholic saints.

‘The Catechism in a Year’ is also available on all major podcast platforms.

You can watch the series on YouTube here:

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