Finding that happiness that we all long for


Augustine of Hippo (in modern-day Algeria), was a man who learned to love from the heart and empower others to do the same. He lived in the fourth century and made a huge contribution to the understanding of the Christian faith, which continues to be relevant and helpful today.

In his autobiographical work, he tells the honest story of the restless searching of his heart for fulfillment in various ways over a long period, which many have identified with their own search for happiness.

His experience of finally finding that happiness in encountering the love of God laid the foundation for his understanding of the nature of God, as well as the nature of man.

Augustine also contributed to many other areas of Christian thought and is one of the most quoted church fathers in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

This documentary about his life will give you some great insights into his story and contributions. It will help you appreciate why he has become one of the most loved Christian saints through the ages.

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What’s your understanding of the church?

The Bible uses various images to describe the church, to help us understand its many facets. When I came across this meme a few years back, it stayed with me, because it helped me better understand the church as a type of ‘spiritual gym’ which I am a part of, because it’s a space where I can receive God and other people’s help, to keep working on my many dysfunctions and become healthier over time. It also helps overcome false images of the church – like the understanding that it is an exclusive club for those who claim to be perfect or morally superior than others.

Growing in a Relationship of Mercy as couples

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Witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection

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