Food For Your Heart

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Life, unedited: Jesus doesn’t need to be made relevant

“In his recent book The Godless Gospel, the philosopher Julian Baggini valiantly tries to retrieve Jesus for the secular age. Treading the well-worn footsteps of Leo Tolstoy and Thomas Jefferson before him, Baggini feels compelled to edit the biblical texts. Ditch all the miracles and eliminate the God-talk, he insists; what really matters is Jesus’s


Learning to ‘see’ with my heart

Two thousand years ago, something beautiful and earth-shattering happened. Jesus – God Himself – entered our world as a baby. Angels rejoiced that day. Shepherds exulted. Joseph was in awe. And Mary was filled with adoration. Yet, for all that, anyone passing by the place of his birth would have seen nothing more than a


A love to celebrate

Have you ever experienced a rush of emotion when you see or hold a newborn child? Infants are so tiny, helpless, and innocent. Our hearts can’t help but swell with love and compassion for them. That passionate, visceral emotion is the meaning of the word that Luke uses in the Bible, when he writes of


When you feel like a ‘DIY Fail’

Do you ever feel like a “DIY Fail”? A DIY (or Do-It-Yourself) Fail is a popular term that describes what happens when you work really hard on a project or a craft that you have seen on the internet or TV – but you just can’t make it work. The finished product often looks like