Growing In Love From The Heart

Who Are We?

As Kerygma Australia, we believe that loving from the heart matters, whether it has to do with:

  • Relationship with God
  • Relationships as couples & families
  • Relationships within the church family
  • Relationships for a better world

So, we seek to grow and empower others to grow in these spheres of relationships.

We invite you to join us on this journey of growing in love from the heart.

Kerygma Australia is a branch of ‘Kerygma’ and a part of the ‘YWAM’ global family of ministries. In Australia, ‘YWAM Canberra’ is our home community.

Join Us for An Upcoming Opportunity

'Follow Me' in Australia

Are you a leader or member of a Catholic parish, association, community or organisation, who wants to be part of initiating a movement of forming our young adults as missionary disciples and disciple-makers? There's something starting now in the Canberra region, which you might want to consider and pray about.

Join us in Prayer

Through the year, we will highlight different opportunities to join us in prayer. Please take a moment to click on the button below, to learn more about our current prayer focus and how you can pray with us. You might want to take these points for prayer, into your times of Intercession or Adoration.

What People Are Saying About Us

Food For Your Heart

What’s your understanding of the church?

The Bible uses various images to describe the church, to help us understand its many facets. When I came across this meme a few years back, it stayed with me, because it helped me better understand the church as a type of ‘spiritual gym’ which I am a part of, because it’s a space where I can receive God and other people’s help, to keep working on my many dysfunctions and become healthier over time. It also helps overcome false images of the church – like the understanding that it is an exclusive club for those who claim to be perfect or morally superior than others.

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Growing in a Relationship of Mercy as couples

Through experiencing my wife’s love when I fail /least deserve it, has made me more grateful for our relationship, because it has taken away the fear of being punished /rejected for my failures. I also feel closer to her as a result. And it has helped me to become more merciful myself.

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